Discover the Beauty of the Lake District in the Winter Months

When you think about taking a winter break between November and March, the Lake District may not spring to mind. You may want to wait for the sunnier spring days before paying us a visit, however it’s worth noting that there are endless benefits and advantages to booking in with us at this time of year.

It’s oh, so quiet!

An obvious advantage is that around Bassenthwaite Lake and Keswick at this time of year, it is quieter in terms of tourists. In general, you’ll have more choice around where to eat, where to visit and when to do it all. You’ll also have the opportunity to chat and engage with the friendly locals giving you a real sense of why Keswick and the Lake District is one of the most visited destinations in the UK.

Magical Atmosphere

Visiting in December means that you’ll enjoy the festive spirit as Christmas markets, carol singing, and other events are in full swing. Yet, in January and February, there is a magical stillness and quiet calm that descends over the lake district as nature begins to quietly stir in preparation for spring’s new life to emerge. There is no where more beautiful than the lakes, mountains, tracks, and trails to enjoy during these precious winter months.

Winter Sports, Wildlife and Landscapes

Probably the number one reason why people visit us at Ouse Bridge House Bed and Breakfast is to get out and get moving on one of our many walking or cycling trails near the property. Once you’ve the right clothing (lots of layers, waterproofs, and hiking boots) you are guaranteed to feel exhilarated and alive after a day outdoors. The lake district is renowned for birdwatching over the winter months, when waterfowl and a myriad of colourful birds take residence.

If you want to experience the true essence of the Lake District and luxuriate in the cosy surroundings of one of the most popular Bed and Breakfasts, Ouse Bridge House, then we urge you to consider making winter your preferred time of year to visit.

Keep an eye on our social media and website for ongoing offers, events, and updates.